Thursday, April 11, 2013

I want to get lost!!

First ride to Yang Chum...

Yang Chum Lake

Off looking for the right road with FIFI following us.

Second ride to Kuea Deng Dam.

South view of Kui Buri Dam

Do not touch these!!!

6kg of rice and 45 cans of Sardines, yum.

Waxy plant hoppers making out.

Eastern view on Nam Jon Dam.

Arrival at Nam Jon Dam.

We were told access to the dam was now not possible due to a fence created to stop poaching in the area. The so called "anti-poaching fence" is in reality a failed attempt to keep the Elephants off the pineapple farms. PHAIL!!!

Whiskey 'n' midnight pool party

Whiskey boat express

So much for that effective fence...poachers on the run...

Midnight walk, Nam Chon - Yang Chum

Taksin saved the day. He went out of his way to drive us 60km to our next destination after we walked 10km in the wrong direction :)

Last camp behind the dam wall!

Last night on Yang Chum...

Last ride of the trip on a cement truck!?

Sam Loy Yot National Park, Sam Phraya beach.

...and on the road again! To be continued!